kantara OTT official date, platform
Kantara OTT release date to be announced and the film is expected to start streaming online on Amazon Prime Video in November 2022. Read the full article to know more about Kantara. Sandalwood action thriller Kantara is soon set to debut on OTT on 24th November 2022. The film will be streamed on Amazon Prime Video. Kantara released across the big screens on October 10, 2022 and opened to great reviews from the audience.
character of kantara:
The film stars director and screenwriter Rishab Shetty alongside Saptami Gowda. It is produced by Vijay Kiraganduru at Humbel Films. The film was released in several Indian regional languages such as Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam and Telugu.
After the theatrical success, Kantara is moving towards a digital release. After garnering appreciation and good reviews from the audience during its theatrical release, Kantara is now all set for online streaming. , fans are eagerly waiting for the film to release online soon so that they can watch it from the comfort of their homes.
One of the top streaming OTT platforms
Amazon Prime Video has acquired the digital rights of the film for a huge amount. It is expected to start streaming on 24 November 2022. If you want to watch the movie online, then for this a paid subscription of Amazon Prime Video will have to be taken.
kantara box office collection:
Kantara Enters 375 Crore Club Worldwide in 47 Days!!!
The film has surpassed ₹175 Cr in
kantara story line in telgu:
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kantara story line:
Kantara, the fictional village of Dakshina Kannada, is protected by demigods. The demigods are the Guardians and protectors of Kantara village. Traditional Kambla and Bhootha Kola culture is present in the village. The story begins when there is an ego battle between the villagers and the evil officers. Rishab Shetty (Shiva) fought on behalf of the villagers to protect the village at any cost.
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